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I cannot play S2 with migrated choices, when i open,it says my progress has been transferred but then it doesnt open my save in the new standalone second season.

it shows a white screen with multiple errors labelled on it

anyone knows how to fix this?

Hi, you have to treat S2 like a different game, S1 saves wont work. If you play S1 until the end, when you start S2 all your choices will be adopted automatically. You should also download a general fix patch, there where some errors in a path that prevented you to continue the story... Patch

I downloaded the patch before and did all the changes, still when i click on my save, it shows white screen and when i click on ignore, it changes player names and choices are randomised,not the ones i chose

S1 saves don't work on S2, maybe that's why your getting white screen.

oh okay. So i have to do the patch thing and start S2 from new game?it will load my preferred choices automatically then?

Yeah, if not you can use the name changer and relations manager in the preferences menu!