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(3 edits) (+6)

There are a lot of quality of life things I think this title did significantly better than the competition, and there are a lot of core things I think this title either fell short or just failed on.

QoL stuff that really stood out and would be great to see in more games was how deep the dev went into modifying the GUI, about half of the animated scenes were actually very accurate and detailed, while the other half were pretty sloppy and half done. I found myself praising the Dev's work one scene and just rubbing my forehead the next, over and over again. Character design, actually, really fucking solid, all the way through. I mean, there were certainly a couple that I didn't give a fuck about, but the attention to detail was clear as day, and evoked a much higher degree of effort than I've seen in all but a handful of VN's on Very well done.

QoL stuff it fell short on, the music choices were, idk, disconnected background noise, might as well have had my own music in the background. That's usually a huge element in creating immersion, and it just flopped.

Core stuff - The story is a big steaming pile of slop, like just taking whatever ingredients happen to by lying in the kitchen, tossing it in a pot, and calling it gumbo. Plenty of good moments, moments that got you pumped up for what was next, only to feel like... "This is what this was leading too? Okay then..."

Writing was... eh... Probably the biggest flaw to the experience. Grammar was technically fine, probably the least number of spelling mistakes I've seen in one of these games, but the conversations were just so terribly unnatural, that I was speed reading and rewriting the lines in my head to force myself into immersion. Example: "Yes, I will meet you in the showers so we can have the sex." Not an exact quote, even this example is less wordy and clunky than anything actually in the writing. How about something more like "Hey... I'll meet you in the showers? I could use a little help..." There we go, we picked up a little subtlety, a vague suggestion for some wonderful love making, and totally something a girl might actually fucking say to a guy. This... distraction persists throughout the entire story. The Dev did get a little more rushed toward the end, which interestingly resulted in somewhat more natural speech, but it didn't happen soon enough to save the whole project.

The sex scenes were plentiful, and short-lived. This is part of that whole sloppy story thing, where there would often be some decent build-up, and then, it's like the part that should've been the climax of the scene just fell totally flat. It's weird, cause like I said before, a lot of the animations were spot friggin on, and it was clear a ton of effort went into making them real, but ultimately the scenes still ended up being quantity over quality, severely taking away from those little good points.

I hope the dev learned some lessons from this project and that would show in the other projects. I was looking forward to them, cause, they're all large, all by the same dev, and several of them paid [which usually means good], but this one has kinda hurt my outlook on them. We'll see.