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When I see the tag "atmospheric horror", I usually think of games that don't kill you, but have jump scares, some type of enemy that forces you to run, or scary visuals that just bombard your eyes. This demo took all those concepts, slapped on constant, eerie white noise, and made you play as a 9 year old with absolutely no regard for his life.

For a short demo, this game feels really fleshed out in terms of story and game elements, but there were a few things that I felt would've made the experience just a bit more frightening: make the flashlight run out or have to be put away and have instances where you can just see something out of the corner of your eye. Of course, being a demo, it'll be exciting to see the direction and what is added once the full game is up for play.

My playthrough (yes, the crackling sound and small noises you hear are ambiance from the game that made me think I was going hearing things in my house):