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God where to start? As a pre-order of the game... I've finished the game... and there's so much to say... Well first of all there are plot twists I DID NOT EXPECT. I'll try to not say much cause I don't want to give spoilers so I'll just write about the routes I love the most.

Let's see... Hiryuu caught my eye first for the demo and the end of his good ending chapter definitely was my favorite. But the beginning of Osamu's good ending chapter was my favorite. Aito's ending was so sweet... I loved it a lot. Fraser's ending was bittersweet (both good and bad end) and I hope it turns out better in the future for them. Osamu's... was also kind of bittersweet. (WHY ARE THE ONES THAT CHAIN WITH THE COMMON ROUTE BITTERSWEET?!) Lagi's ending... I'm confused. Are they are couple or not??? Like... I loved the way their relationship developed and they like each other. But like... is it official???

Hiryuu's ending ugh don't even get me started... I LOVED THE ENDING. Really sad about the troublemakers though. :( Sin's ending.... Raikon... you're a tease. A BIG TEASE. PLS I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THAT LAST MEMBER! I WAS DYING WHEN IT ENDED THERE! Common route's ending was good, that route's cgs were probably some of my favorites. I love group cgs.

Favorite Route......... ahem...... um.... let's skip that.... all the routes are good okay?! The most funny route is probably Lagi's. The most emotional is definitely Fraser's. Aito's Route has the best outcomes, Sin's was really sweet and both Sheryl's and Sin's characters developed well in it. Hiryuu's was the most romantic, Osamu's revealed a lot about both Osamu and Sheryl. There are both good things that happened in all the routes and bad things... (Like who died cough cough, my heart took 2 days to recover from Fraser's Route)

Anywho I really love this game! And would definitely recommend it to others! Thanks for the hardwork on this game Raikon! I don't regret buying it at all! <3


I'm really happy to hear all that feedback and that you enjoyed playing ♡

As for the questions that haven't been answered in certain routes... hmmm, let's say there may be an epilogue game planned later down the road... and maybe even a light novel in the near future.

OMG REALLY?! I really hope we get that epilogue game then! My heart would be set! ;-; A light novel perhaps too!