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played for the first time not fully reading what the game was about haha, was too excited to start. i got xyx and wow, i will say i got attached fast. i got his bad ending, and this is embarassing to admit but i cried. just a bit,, but yeah. i didnt expect the game to finish like that, i thought i could fix it, could have more time. it really impacts u! lol. wow. sorry im still in shock while writing this haha. i want to try and play again. i want to be better for him and stuff, see him happy. i didnt even know i could go for other people tho so! i like that this is replayable. anyway, amazing stuff. i was BLOWN away by the realistic chats, dialouge, and calls. greats stuff. 

i also got xyx's bad ending at first and i also almost cried T___T

same ;-;