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my sister is starting to worry me.. 

Like she's going around telling everyone how she got in a youtube comment war with someone over vaccines when shes 8 years old, can bearly read let alone write and watches YouTube on our tv... and you don't have access to comments on a tv

Or she's been talking about how her FRIEND at school is telling everyone how she ruined his life 

Or how for one whole day she just didn't talk to her friends, she spoke to everyone else but purposely ignored them because she wanted to see what they'd do 

Or like i just fuckin find this shit in my bathroom trashcan 


i am very afraid

uh… I don’t know. Call 911

I would but what do i say

"yea i need the police my sister is pretending to argue with kids on the internet"

no say

“ I don’t think my sister is okay. She’s acting strange, lying about arguing with random people, saying her friend ruined her life and she drew something questionable etc.”

Just explain the issue basically-

could do 

ok tell me how it goes

queen i am not calling the authorities on my 8 year old sister 

No call for help like don’t call 911 call… a therapist. Or someone who knows what to do. Just call someone and tell them the issue. I don’t know. I’m just trying to help. Uh maybe she’s going thru smthn. 

yea probably