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I'm so excited to be able to play this! I've been watching your updates on this for a while, and it's stunning :D

I thought I knew my geography until I played this lol, it's proving very difficult. I think you do lose your way quite quickly. 

A little sad to see that the clouds were removed, they looked like a fun touch to see them disperse as you fly through them.

I love that you added the ability to see from different view points, and also to fly up and down. 

The game runs smoothly on my PC, and I have a pretty rubbish PC lol, I have Dual Pentium, GTX 710, 16gb. 


The nightime lights seem a little too bright, and also too large, maybe they could be minimized so they dont look blurry and disorientating. 

Perhaps a little compass off to the side of the screen which you can toggle on/off would be nice.

The country boarder black lines are also on the large size, especially when you fly down towards the earth, they appear almost the same size as the plane.

Ability to slow down the plane

Light up a red circle around the area your package dropped


Some kind of point system, which will start of giving points for delivery proximity, and as you progress through levels, the delivery proximity field would decrease.

Would be really cool to possibly unlock different plane types also as you progress.

Maybe could also add a bonus for the speed of delivery too

Could even add a pop up with info of the Country upon successful deliveries.