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(1 edit)

As I said, I don't mind the misspellings, but this popped up:

While processing text tag {W} in

u"\u2014I know you said I don't need to be strong when I'm with you\u2026 {w=0.5}That you would be my refuge. {W}But you know? {W}You don't have to always be the strong one. That is unfair.".:

 File "game/tl/english/capitulo16.rpy", line 5485, in script

 lucas "—I know you said I don't need to be strong when I'm with you… {w=0.5}That you would be my refuge. {W}But you know? {W}You don't have to always be the strong one. That is unfair."

Exception: Unknown text tag u'W'

Ignore works fine. And I don't get how formatting works here...

Ah, simple mistake. Its just a "click to advance" error. Instead of "w" I used a capitalized "W". Thanks for letting me know! And please, if you find more, please let me know! nwn

:D You are very welcome, I will!