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Yes, my bad. I've had a very bad week with internet problems and I've had to buy a new router (I am waiting to receive it) and I haven't been able to make the respective post warning about the delay of 8.0 which actually will be 8.5 because I'm revising and redoing the intro + first hours of gameplay.

I made a quick announcement only on Discord.

Today I should have done a diary on Patreon and I'm going to delay it too because I'm trying to make up for the lost time.

As soon as my connection is stable again  I'll make a post here, on Patreon and Discord.

The estimated date for 8.5 is this weekend for Patreon and next weekend for the public version.

I'll give all the details in the post I hope to make in a few days.

Sorry for the delay and inconvenience.

sorry to hear about your internet problem. Thanks for the update.