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Hey there! Thanks for the suggestions. I'll take them into account for the next update.

Some of the bugs were found earlier and dealt with but it seems they are coming back.

Also, I'd be very glad if you could elaborate on the aiming issue. If you mean that the towers don't shoot sometimes, they indeed do, but sometimes they are so close to an enemy that you aren't able to see the bullet (will do something about it). However, if you mean that the towers don't aim, they point towards your cursor all the time and I haven't found the issue by myself.

Thanks for your comments and I'll make sure to make the game less buggy.

Huh I can't seem to replicate the aiming issue anymore, interesting. must have been a rare bug or something


Don't worry. Thanks for your sincerity.

I'll be watching out for that bug to see if I can trigger it, but since I could not find it since the beginning of the project it will probably take some time to do so and even more to solve it. However, I appreciate your honesty and will try to figure out if it has something to do with (recharging the page seems to trigger a bug on the Sound Options so maybe it also causes some other bugs).