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(Maybe. is it weird if i...kinda miss him..-)

"You look familiar!"

Her tail wags

(.. Nooo, not at all!)

".. I do?"

He scratched his head slightly, his hair well-, pretty ice-hotttt uvu


"Nope! You look adorable though!"

(Ofc! :>)

".. Aww, well thank youuu- =/ v/="

(You miss him, too?)

"May i touch your hair...?"

(.. Well obviously- -v-)

".. Well, yeah, sure-?"

(Oh, pfft. Yeah..-)

She gently touches his hair, with her soft paws, her tail continued to wag.

His hair felt, soft.. on one side cold to touch, but oddly enough the other being, warm to, it was an interesting feeling, but also quite confusing. -w-

".. Your, hands.. their quite nice- -w-"

"-Paws-, but thank you! Your hair on the other hand's hot and cold...??"

".. Ah, yes.. well I feel like it would be like that when I'm who i am-.. you know, fire and ice-.. and my pardon, i just didn't know if you call them hands, or paws since well, i wouldn't think these are paws-, hehe..!"

He was holding his hand up slightly- TvT