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2909! :D


It was very chaotic but fun when you got the hang of it! I didn't really understand how to have time to use the sky-layer though, things happened so fast on the ground I eventually just gave the sky up. :o But the sky-mobs showed up when one tile away from the king (right?) so I had a small chance to gobble them up anyway! ^^

A nice addition here that would have added sooo much to the game would be to be able to map the buying of soldiers to keyboard, it was a lot of sweeping the mouse to the bottom to buy new stuff, but I think it would be more enjoyable if you didn't need to take your eyes of the battlefield too much. :)


A great incorporation of the theme, couldn't be any less than perfect score!


I didn't quite understand the icons to be honest, I believe here it would be better to have some clearer visualization of what I'm buying. :)


The sound fitted the game really well! Perhaps the music was a bit to short and became repetitive pretty fast, the effects were solid.

Good work! :D


Thanks, and you are even better than my record, nice! For the gameplay, I am planning to make the the enemy spawn and move slower to make the battlefield less messy and try balance focus on the sky and ground.