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Oh boy! I love games!

This is the kind of game that I feel understood the theme the best! Such a neat visual concept! I like magic eye puzzles and making an entire platforming game out of it is pretty cool! However, I feel the game might have gone a BIT too long though, fifty stars was asking a bit much, especially if I had to backtrack to get some. Backtracking isn't inherently bad, it just takes some of the magic out if I mess up a jump. Gameplay was fine, but there being no audio was a bit disappointing, 

Amazing use of the theme though!

-R.C. from Duppy Games

Hello, thank you for playing and giving feedback.

I could not agree more about the gameplay going on too long or rather not diversifying to justify going on. It was an attempt to see how memory of the map would work with the vanishing platforms and it didn’t really prove interesting. In hindsight taking some of the level building time and adding audio would have been a far better use of the time.