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just some constructive feed back to improve your game :)

at the start when we meet the little girl, we don't really get any time to bond. us players want to feel like we're in the game. maybe spend 10-20 minutes showing us how close the two are, so when we have to protect the little girl it makes us feel we have a duty.

i feel the war was really rushed. one minute it was sunny and you were playing hide and seek, then the next the skies were grey and the streets were deadly?

also, what explains the ogre looking troops? some back story leading to this event would be great and make the player feel more involved.

other than that, the game looked beautiful and the main storyline is really good. i hope you don't take this comment negatively. :)


Hello, thank you for your feedbacks. The game was created in 9 months by our small team, so we really couldn't afford to make the game longer; That why there is a lot of temporal ellipsis. The "ogre" looking troop like you said is an artistic choice to demonstrate the incapacity of the player ton confront them, we would have love to put more backstory into the game but we had to make choices during our small window of production :)


well in that case, you guys did a really good job even under the circumstances you were in. one day if you decide to make something more professional don't forget what i said :)