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Hi, I already know you've received a tonne of feedback here, but I would like to reiterate one point that has been made. Pawns should be able to promote when they reach the end. That would make the game more interesting as they won't just be dead weight forever. Especially on harder difficulties, if they come, promoting might be able to save a player's run, which would be interesting! Also, if promoting to a queen is too op, which it might be, you could just make it so you could only promote to a bishop or a knight, or maybe after a certain amount of moves, to a rook as well (maybe..). This would bring balance to the game and make sure it's not too OP, as queens and rooks are obviously very strong, and knights and bishops are not, but will still help your run out. But yeah, those are my suggestions, along with some harder modes. Great game! I enjoyed it.