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Thank you for the replies, Lip!🤗👍

Thanks both of you! I tried donating here but the only option is paypal and I couldn't seem to figure out how to get it to work :/
Also, am I just bad or is this game really hard?

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I thought I did, but it's been forever since I used it, so it was probably tied to a different card. I'll see if changing that fixes it, thanks!

And I see, any specific items that you think are the best?

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Ok got it, thanks! Also still struggling to get the paypal stuff working. Do I have to link my paypal account to here or is just having the card I have linked to paypal here good enough? If I do need to link paypal, how? I only see the option for credit card. Do I need to put a balance into my paypal or will it go directly through my card

Sorry to bother you with so many questions, I haven't used paypal in years.

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I've linked my credit card and my bank to my paypal, and have linked my credit card to here as well. I'll try again tomorrow and see if it just needs time to set things or something.

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