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(1 edit)

Hmm... I never got that option in the Bottom Logan route and by that I assumed it was also like that in my Top Logan route.. Both routes I have Ste with 1 heart.

Ok so I helped Ste again in the farm on my T!Logan route and now it is available, weird though, it isn't on the B!Logan route..

Oh right I got that threesome scene with Korg and the aphrodisiac, yes..


If you did not lose even one like from Ste, an internship with Ste is unlocked on the farm when you take a nap with him, where you must wake him up so that he can scold the son.

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Oh I never got that one either.. Maybe I should help Ste with the farm then.. or do his quests.

Thanks, now I know there's at least a reason to be at Farmstead more often.