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(1 edit) (+6)

I love the artstyle and color pallet of this game and it was really fun, especially Forcas's character - what a trustworthy and angelic name for him by the way lol - the art of the hands in the game was done really well so that's more liking of the art. Also I liked Forcas's character design & how he didn't just look like some perfect angel and I liked how the main character's (is her name a spoiler?) hair was drawn. Also x2 the sticker Forcas gives us is great though not tangible
All in all, fun to play and short but not rushed game with pretty art and character designs.


Gotta say, kinda sad our 2 endings are both depressing - one just less so. Unless the first ending means that Angelica could hopefully be able to go back to her day-to-day eventually rather than her just having to trudge on until she can rest where she then gets her salvation aka not being erased and instead going Somewhere after death. It's ironic that when you pick the option of Forcas being a Demon in our opinion, he mocks being a Demon and while mocking them asks us to give him our body, which is what a Demon would do and definitely not what an Angel like him would do - but you find a certain Fallen Angel would later lol. Another kind of funny/ironic thing is when Forcas tries to get you into doing what he says, he tells us the reward is having him as a Guardian Angel, having us never get hurt & having all troubling things poofed away but the ending shows... well... decidedly not that. THIS IS KIND OF LONG MY BAD BUT ONE LAST THING. I like how the main character's name, the human part of the MC at least, is Angelica. In the book we can read about names, it gives two definitions, "Angel" and "the messenger of God" - it's interesting & I like how the "Angel" part of her name can connect to the Fallen Angel part of the main character, and the "messenger of God" part can connect to how our MC can speak to the Angel Forcas, a messenger of God (or it can also again connect to the MC being a Fallen Angel as angels are messengers). Even if you didn't name her with that kind of thinking in mind, it's still interesting nonetheless :)