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(1 edit)

Flat out, this game is the first game in a while that had me hooked for this long

The learning curve isn't bad, the amount of ways you can synergize cards to have OP decks, the number of playstyle of decks there, and the fact that with how short of a game it is, you can replay it over and over to fight different enemies, try out different strategies, and just see what kind of madness you can get out of it is amazing

While playing, I didn't encounter any real bugs; I had a few times where enemies would stack over 10 because I wouldn't finish them before they fled, but this honestly made it a necessity to either have "attack all" cards or to finish off enemies quickly. Even after a few games, the shielding enemies that seem to be very difficult were really tame (you just have to focus them down first)

Overall, I would love to see, at the very bare minimum, expansions for more cards, and at most, a full-fledged game

(Here's a playthrough I got recorded where I had an unintentional stall deck, but usually I like playing with growth/sacrifice/"if fatal increase attack" cards)