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Thank you for playing and all the suggestions!
-You can look at the items you have by pressing P (you can't view detailed info on the items yet, but you can also check this menu when you are selecting items)

- I like the idea of having to unlock different balls (and items) but I don't think I have enough variety to warrant it just yet. As for upgrading, I'm reluctant because I think it would make the game easier as you continue to play which messes with the difficulty curve

- hell ya! I made some art for healing, shield and enemy spawning blocks but they haven't made their debut yet xD

- I don't know if you played the earlier version, but this one rewards you a different amount of items based on your number of moves which sounds similar to what you mean I think

- There's a boss level every 5 levels, but there's only 2 so far. The one with a X in the center moves in random directions and shoots projectiles, the one with a green + symbol will try to find you even in other rooms and regenerates a small amount each turn 

I'll be making frequent changes for the next couple of weeks so stay tuned!