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Yeah, I don't think that riddles I made that clever. But it don't made randomly. I can say you way to win but I don't think it will be fun if I do. I don't think anyone guess the way to win, I can give a hint, it in 3 level nearly locked home.

Sorry if I made mistake, my English is bad.

Oh i did manage to win actually! I found the solution before I found the third home. :) I am still curious - the arrow and water/fire/stone puzzle solutions I just had to guess until the game said I got the answer right, are there hints in the game towards the solutions?

no worries about translation/English issues, if you prefer another language I can do my best to understand instead!


In the arrow puzzle you should look at the level locations from top. Previous, current and next levels locations. With another puzzle solution you should know what will be after solving this puzzle. Water, water, fire means that you swim and then will be fire=). And stone, stone, water means that will be rain=). I don't know how I invented that all;)