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Hi Pepette

Still uncertain about the new version of Lolita? I've been waiting for the new version for a long time.

also it would be better if we can flirt with more people in the new version. let's not just flirt with thomas


I admit that it's been a long time since the last release... Sorry

I'm making good progress on the update. But I'm still far from finishing it.

For now, there is no romance planned with a guy other than Thomas (but I can think about it...)

In what is planned, there is a relationship with Thomas, and one with Anna (which starts with sex, then can turns into a love story). Unfortunately, these stories will not advance in the next update. I can't do everything at once.

I understand that your job is difficult and I am looking forward to the update. I'm sure it will be a nice update :)))

I have one last question.

Will there be a lot of changes in the update or will it be a minor update?

take it easy. good luck

(1 edit) (+1)

Here is what is planned for the update

What is already done
- Fix all bugs reported by players
- Correct English translation
- Add light to lampposts at night
- Add 1 CG : masturbation looking porn on computer
- Add 6 CGs (count for 1 in CGroom) : naked tits service at the « café français »
- Add 3 CGs (count for 1 in CG room) : grope by the barman
- Add introductions scenes at student party
- Add drinking scene and 3 optional CGs : rape when drunk (when leaving party)

What I'm doing actually
- Add 5 CGs at students party

What I want to add before release (this part can still change)
- Add new CGs with the client in café toilets
- Dress/undress animation for the job at the warehouse
- Add  new CGs at the Warhouse (New job)      or       Continue Blackmail story

alpha test (from the start)
fix as many bugs I found
test bugfix
and release.

it looks pretty good. I'm looking forward to.

good luck