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Thanks for playing. As you noticed, the game was built bottom-up/mechanics-first instead of top-down/lore-first, while also attempting to keep some of the item-description-lorebuilding feel from the first game.

I am glad to see the excitement of meeting new enemies, as that was the original intention. I initially planned for a more complex system where you can fuse souls with hearts, which means you cannot unequip souls once you fused it into a heart, but certain combination of heart and souls will transform the heart into a unique heart. However I figured it would be too complex to code and too complicated for a 1-hour game.

As for the motif, the core theme of Fate is still the same: "everything you do is ultimately meaningless, and the game was rigged from the start, but you press on anyway" (shamelessly borrowed from Dark Souls, I know--the goal is to induce that 'sinking feeling' when the credits roll.) Unlike Light, since Snow is designed to be lighter on the lore I tried a more direct-approach, narration-style ending at the end instead of leaving it up to the players to piece out everything themselves.

I am glad to see it was enjoyable, and again thanks for playing.