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Awesome pack - more requests

A topic by jaywhite1 created Jan 11, 2022 Views: 146 Replies: 1
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(1 edit)

Hey buddy! We over at Kingdoms Finance have love your your stuff and bought your pack and are in the process of building a web-game with it.

We are still looking for some assets to complete our medieval buildings: Tavern, Blacksmith, Stable, Church, Woodcutters hut, Mine, Alchemist, Barracks, Workshop, Farm, Fletcher and Leatherworker (more buildings to come). that file is still in beta and has a long way to go) 

Is this something you're interested to do and add to your pack? We're willing to pay you for it.

Kind regards

Discord: JayWhite#3940


Hi Jaywhite. 

Thank you for your support. 

Unfortunately, I don't have time for such a big project.

At the moment I'm still working on the exterior package and after that a dungeon and interior package is planned. In addition, I want to publish a dungeon cyberpunk tileset. 

But I think that there will be something for you in the future updates. 

Kind regards
