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this has got to be one of my favorite romance games i've ever played! i've only played viscardi's route this is so good. the cg art is beautiful and i loved all the characters. chester was such a fun & loveable mc! 

not to mention the scene where chester talks about his a chronically ill person (not the same thing, but i have POTS, which funnily enough is also blood related), that scene really hit hard. to hear (or read, i guess) chester talk about how he feels like he's a burden and how he can't do anything because of being ill just...hit close to home. i honestly had to take a break from playing because i've never seen a character so relatable. it feels good to relate to someone, even if he's a silly 40 year old trapped in a house with vampires!

anyways, great art, great story, great characters! i'll definitely have to replay this sometime