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When your life reaches a serious low point, you are approached by a vampire who offers to care for your every need, in exchange for allowing them to drink your blood periodically. They find you a new job, pay your rent, take care of your student loans, and keep you in perfect health. Despite the growing intimacy between you, they don’t seem to want anything from you but your blood. This arrangement works out pretty well for a while, until you start to develop feelings for your vampire benefactor.


After Reading: ....You can simp over a...vampire...?





Hero’s footsteps thundered against the floor, their breathing sharp and wheezy in their ear. They tossed a frantic glance behind their shoulder, seeing nothing but the blur of forest trees and crooked branches.

Their thoughts were running wild. I’m gonna die. I’m gonna die. I need to keep running. I can’t stop.

The air was crisp and harsh as it bit into their skin, the rush of adrenaline spiking when a harsh snap resounded through the air. Before they could respond, something hard smashed into their side, and they were sent plummeting to the ground.

A sharp cry of pain escaped their lips, dirt and twigs digging into their raw skin. A knee pressed into their back, crushing their ribs with inhuman strength.

“You’re a fast one,” a voice snickered, and the knee lifted, before they were roughly thrown onto their back, and the pressure returned as if it had never left. “But not fast enough.”

Hero began thrashing in pure panic, seized by an unforgiving terror. “Let me go! Let me—”

Their fists pounded against the figures chest, but were quickly ceased when fingers wrapped around their wrists, and crushed them into the floor beneath them. Hero wriggled and twisted as the grip tightened, to the point where they were sure their bones would shatter.

The figure cooed, leaning down so their lips were hovering above their face. “You humans are so intelligent, yet you act so dumb.”

Hero’s eyes began to sting with hot tears, groaning in pain when the villain tightened their hold on their wrists.

“I caught you. That means I’m not going to let you go.”

Hero began kicking their legs widely, pleas blubbering on their lips. “Please, please, just leave me alone.” They sobbed, choking on their own breath. “I-I won’t tell anybody, I swear.”

The villain chuckled darkly in response, their eyes glowing a deep red under the shimmering moonlight. Hero whimpered at the terrifying sight, squeezing their eyes shut and turning their head to the side. Villain brought their wrist to their mouth, tearing the skin with their sharp fangs, some blood staining their lips.

Hero’s heart began hammering, legs dragging in the dirt and leaving a mess of sprayed mud and leaves.

“I was debating whether or not I should tear your neck out and drain you dry,” the villain whispered, tilting their head to the side as they admired their wounds, and the crimson blood sliding down their arm. “But I very much prefer you alive, writhing underneath me.”

The hero sobbed, shaking their head from side to side. Villain shushed them, a sickly sweet sound, and pressed their open wound to Hero’s mouth. Their eyes flew open in terror, but the villain was much stronger, and much more relentless.


Hero’s tears fell down their cheeks, as well as Villain’s fresh blood dribbling from their lips, forced around the wound. Their chest convulsed, and an awful gagging sound came from them, but the villain didn’t let up, and only forced their wrist further against their mouth.

Hero could feel the liquid sliding down their throat, invading their senses with that awful metallic taste. Their legs went still, closed fists shaking as they hesitantly let the blood fall down their throat, finding no other option. The villain hummed in delight, their lips curled into a grin.

“There you go, my darling, just like that…”

Their eyes fluttered shut, trying to imagine themselves anywhere else, to dispel the disgusting feeling of warm blood pooling in their stomach. They could feel their body trembling all over, a tingling sensation accompanied with it, right under their skin.

Villain’s hands were tangled in their hair a moment later, gently stroking their messy locks. Hero didn’t have the strength to move their arms, a throaty whine bubbling at the back of their throat as the taste overwhelmed them. Villain removed their wrist, gazing down at Hero’s flushed face, and lips coated with fresh blood.

“What…What did you do to me?” They huffed, voice cracking. Villain softly swiped a thumb over their bottom lip, watching as they flinched, yet fell slack with exhaustion not a moment later.

“Making you mine,” Villain grinned, tracing a finger down their cheek. Hero shuddered. “This is going to hurt for a little bit. Don’t fight me, my love. You’ll wake up soon enough.”

Hero wasn’t quite sure what the villain meant until fingers wrapped around their throat, and their airway was instantly cut off. The crushing sensation was merciless as Hero’s eyes grew wide, scratching their nails against Villain’s fingers. They flailed, they thrashed and broke Villain’s skin with their nails, but nothing seemed to deter them.

Hero’s lungs burned with white hot agony, before their vision started going blurry, and they were swallowed by a deathly cold silence

long wattpad.

After reading: One word. Ren.


next if theres another one-


(1 edit)


So-picky Nat choooooseeeesss-

number dos.

Also good morning!

oki-we're doing that one with Lukas and Kaz and vamp-y bakubabe.