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Are you going to be doing more with the breeding game aspect itself?

I've played the old Breeding Season game and it seems to me like the stats do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  Only the level matters.  The stats, stat rankings (S-F), none of it means anything; this is what put me off of Breeding Season (the game stopped being interesting).

Right now, your game is having the same problem.  When the most fun thing is your mini-game(black jack); then you game needs to either revamped.  The main game is even less fun than BS because you can only do breeds as long as you have energy, rather than the monsters running out of energy, so there is even less you can do.

I applaud that you are trying to take your own spin off of this game, as I did enjoy BS during its earlier development stages; but it feels like you took its least fun aspects of its later development which was one of BS main reasons for its downfall.