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(1 edit)

" he has a journal?"

She took a sip of her beer, still staring at him and his invention as she's did.

(sorry, we had to take the WiFi out and plug it back in-)

“.. Note, tell the lady know you have eyes, and can tell she is looking straight at me.”

He said, as he looked over at her, withhh a nnnnoooot so amused face, somehow still writing neatly.

(Nahhh, your completely fine!)

She didnt care he looked over at her in any type of way, she kept the eye contact, I told she was very bold. She didnt care what he thought, her eyes were low as she was staring at him, she licked her lip for a second as she continued to stare back, grabbing a peice of gum from her satchel without losing the contact, she unraveled a peice and placed it in her mouth, chewing as she continued to stare at him, smirking a little bit.

-Looks like he's noticed.-

He simply smiled, wrote something on a new side of paper, tore it out of his book, anddd let a bot, that hopped out of his satchel, being the paper over to her, the note read. 

“Meet me in the cave at 10:20, The name is Sun. Pleasure having the staring contest.”

When she was done reading it… heeeee was gone.. or well, left while she was reading, there was however, another piece of paper on his table, probably something for her.

She smirked as she read the paper and before she could look at him he was gone, but she did peep the little paper so she grabbed the little bot and placed it in her satchel so she coukd give it back later, after doing so she placed down a few coins as in paying for the beer, after she was dome she got up and walked over to his seat and grabbed the small little peice of paper and it read:...

“Perhaps I might be wrong, maybe I should’ve gave you the bot that should’ve gave the paper to you, but instead it was my failed prototype.. hmm, what do you think?Heh.. oh, I know you’ll be displeased, thinking you have gotten something worthwhile..~”

She rolled her eyes but she smiled a little after.

"So, one thing I can note about him is, he's full of himself."

She then grabbed the paper and stuffed it in her bra as she walked out the tavern cause WHY NOTTTTTTTT?-👹👹👹LMAOOO

(I'm kinda a bit confused on what the note really read but I think I get the concept?)

(Hehe, that’s the point. Riddleeeees.. not really but eh. Lol)

Well, it was going to be at night, so she really should try and bring anything she can, just in case this guy tries anything.. funny. 

Right right and thats what she did, she bought a pocket knife and a small paper clip just in case cause handcuffs? I dunno-we just know some ppl are wierd but timeskip to when she gets there? Also she took a bath and changed when she got to her cabin, did you wanan see what she was wearing?

Pfft/, that’s up to you love, and sure, we can time skip when she gets there! |3