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Alright alrightttt. |3

Hiiiiii here ya gooo

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Hehe, I love how she looks, she gives off quite the.. hmm.. Clockwork vibe? No no that’s not the right word.. basically a classy vibe okay? >:3

(Steampunk! That’s the word I was trying to find.)

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Im glad lol-

Also you want me to start

Yeeeah, I mean after all you have the idea- Tw T

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Delilah was trying to find an inventor but it was hard when every one was a man in this industry anyway they thought that a woman couldn't do shit cause this is like back in the day (that's why I said tavern instead of bar) and so she was almost about to give up so right after she went to a tavern and ordered a beer but every man just was like 'oh, why doesn't the pretty little lady want a juice?' Or 'isn't a beer a bit too manly for you' and sexist things like that but she didn't care. She delt with things like that ever since she was little, being a woman in a "mans" world was hard. But at the moment she was in the tavern.

While it wasn’t obviously her main focus, their seemed to be a sort of tinker in the Corner of the tavern, he did order anything, nor did he seem to interact with otherwise, but he seemed to be working on something that seemed like.. a little sentry bot? It was hard to tell, but the carvings stuck out the most from them.

-Who's that?........Maybe ill just go and take a peak..-

She got up and grabbed her beer and walked over to the corner of the tavern, of course she was struggling a bit but she was fine after a while she got over and sat beside him, she tried to seem normal like 'sit beside him but don't make eye contact' she was very bold, she wouldn't back dwn from this cause she was nervous.

(KEEP IN MIND, she is a bold one ;).)

(Hehe, oh I know I know. ;3)

He didn’t really seem to respond to her, if anything, he just seemed like nothing was happening, he kept slightly carving into the bit with what seemed to be a blue-ish tool.. and whenever it grazed it, the carvings would glow, and the bot seemed to work just fine in its own!… that.. is until, the blue glow goes away. Then it would just freeze.

-Woah...what kind of tool is that, ill just ask..-

"Hey, whatcha doin?"

She said, her head tilted in confusion to what the tool was but she had to start off with a simple question-