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Ha-hey, no need to worry; I'm like 90% sure I busted the bug that freezes her completely at that part, so you should be able to go through the whole thing now!

The thing about her crying isn't her being upset that the dog wants to reject her constantly, actually; frustration and panic built up until she ended up having an auditory sensory overload, essentially.

Her response to the dog is making a lot more sense now having seen the ending, I really like it in retrospect! It depends how committed you are to naturalism, but it would be cool if you found a way to depict her sensory overload in such a way that the player is also experiencing what she's experiencing. Like a bright flash and a tinnitus noise or something?

I think you were successful with the anagnorisis, though I reckon the scene structure could be even more developed in your next version. Good job!

I, for one, love it when media does stuff like that. Of course, it would have to be executed at least a little carefully so that it's not too overwhelming.