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Very cool and fun when you get used to the controls. But why not add an update to the game? The game has been the same for so long and uh... we're getting bored. So my suggestions are:

1. A new mode to go along with Race and Time attack.

2. Laps in both current modes. Maybe you can get cool rewards if you complete a race with more laps.

3. A map editor. I don't expect to see this one but still.

4. Multiplayer. I think this might actually be possible because you've made multiplayer in a lot of you're games already so yeah. I think this would also be the one I'd wish for the most so yeah.

5. Handbrake for mobile. Probably isn't necessary but could be useful in certain situations.

Any of these would be cool to see in the game, but I imagine you're still working on stuff like Crab Game and Muck, so yeah. 

And remember to drink your milk for strong and healthy bones, GAMERS! -Dani, All his Life

i have a suggestion milk mode put karlson driving a car

and maybe character editor in addition to the multiplayer he suggested