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I'm a huge fan of games that take advantage of different senses and really makes the player use their brain. The light mechanic is so great with how it's implemented, and forces the player to remember things while playing such as platform locations and enemy locations. It's also extremely fair. Overall, this is the strongest part of the game to me, which is great since it seems to be it's core defining trait.

The music and sounds are wonderful, but perhaps implementing a volume control tool would be nice as personally I found it a bit loud for me.

As reported in another comment, I too encountered the bug where it felt like as I progressed through levels my FPS was dropping. By the last level, the game was starting to become difficult to play. 

One issue I had in the beginning is the tombstones which serve as your tutorial are hard to see at first, and since they're destroyed upon contact, I accidentally ran into a few right away and missed out on what they were trying to say. Maybe instead of destroying the tombstone, have it stay so the player can walk back and re-read if they make that mistake and hit the ground running? Additionally, maybe having the special blocks (the pushable block, the spinning block, the moving block, etc.) in the tutorial level would be nice to educate the player and familiarize them. 

Besides that, the gameplay feels good. Your goals seems rather clear and the objectives are very visually obvious. The purple candy is very quickly taught to be a nuisance, but not a nuisance like the ghosts which make it interesting. Sometimes the player has to take on the nuisance to get the objective, creating some interesting moments and decision making.