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Firstly, I love this game and the author has blessed me with a artificial six pack for all the laughing I've done in this hilarious game.

I'm stuck though, I am at the part where whenever I try to go and talk to Roxy at her demense and Pixie goes, "Oi mate, where ya heading -- go back into town and explore first to find something." and tbh idk what does that mean. I'm lost asf. I'd appreciate any tips.

I haven't reached that point yet, but I did get a baseball ball.


During act 2 you unlock the EXPLORE icon in the map.
You have one for each map (Outskirts, Town and Mountains)
If you explore in the town you might stumble upon a building that's on fire, that is required for Roxy's storyline.

But to explore the building on fire you need something to avoid becoming extra crispy.
You get a power from training with the goblin witch, she appears when you explore in the outskirts.