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The heart and soul mechanic was well made and the difficulty spike inside the ice cave ensured that reanimation must be utilized wisely in order to survive. I had trouble at first but once I obtained more souls with better skills, the battles became easier. I love this sort of progression! There's a good variety of soul skills and I found myself switching hearts and souls quite frequently.

I mostly only raised ATK, DEF and HP through level ups and managed to reach lvl 20 before fighting the boss. My final loadout consisted of Rose Heart, Fungus Soul A, Crow Soul B, Rose Soul A. Heals were too good to pass up. Murder of Crows just absolutely murders every enemy. And Crown of Thorns helped me deal with the egg sac battles where I was caught off guard by the crows. Oh god those crows. My final team consisted of a support Rose Fairy, a tank Stone Knight and an aoe dps Whale.

The small bits of dialogue here and there at the start were amusing. And I found it rather humorous that both pressing the button or not led to the same outcome, which really showed the immutability of Fate. Well, at least the MC lives in the former choice. Good work on this one, I enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing. I am happy to see the intended difficulty spike worked, and the battles becoming easier as you get stronger and have more options. I hope the bosses were balanced as I didn't have much time to playtest them.

(At least I hope it would be better balanced than my previous jam entry, where the final boss was never playtested lol)

My personal strategy was wolf critical glass cannon + rose fairy healer/support with two gigatanks/support, human and stone knight.