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Run around and shoot things. The graphics here are very basic, but in a weirdly compelling way I rather like them; it's stripped back to absolute minimum. As the developer notes, it's not 64x64, so low rating for that particular thing, but I liked this game rather more than I expected to. As with all games with unlimited firepower, though, there's no reason to not just hold down the fire button the whole time, which is exactly what I did. I think there are too many controls -- left and right are expected, but "fire upwards", "jump", "fire", and "dash" are all separate keys, which is hard to manage in a twitch game like this rather than something more contemplative and thoughtful. There also seem to be some issues with the key handling; sometimes, if you're firing and running at the same time and then press "jump", the jump doesn't register, which is pretty annoying. But this is more fun than I admit I thought it would be at first!