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So..... I just finished 0.2 and............ wow......... I mean........ a gem of doom.............

I knew it was coming and I new you would find but not this early in the game.......all I have to say is if there is not an ending where you get all the gems of doom and become the founder then ima be mad!!! but even if there isn't Ill still love the game but Ill love you even more for making some of the best games on this platform. also I would like to thank you for being so interactive with your community because I noticed you always read the comments and reply to as many as you can even if its a simple "thank you" that's something many creators don't do, but are not just a creator or a person behind a screen........ you are a very kind person that takes the time to listen to others and respond to them even when you could be working on your game but instead you take the time for your community....

you are a legend in many ways that others don't see... all the little things you do and say go unrecognized by many people and I just wanted to tell you this to basically say that I recognize the little thing and I  appreciate all the things you do big and small. and thank you for being there for your community but not just being there but for engaging with them as well.

p.s. I didn't have  A profile pic before because I didn't know what to put but since I love you so much I put my profile pic as your so I hope you don't mind.

I also changed my bio to a link to your profile if you want to check it out.


Well a creator is nothing without his community ^^
Thank you for the kind words, Kittrode!