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Pacing within games, especially story based games, is very important as it can determine the atmosphere and player experience. “Felinophobia” deals with pacing by having readers read the story in paragraphs (that have been specifically portioned in amounts that effectively show how the author wants the story to be conveyed). The creator inserts breaks visually by inserting photos, which also enhance how the story is experienced because it allows readers into the author’s mind and how they saw their plot come together as they wrote the story. The author also employs clicking as a method to add visual and mental breaks. The clicking aspect of the game is not always from the choices that the reader needs to make, but the creator uses this function to allow for the player to proceed to the next part. In doing this, the player can take in the story in the intended portions, as mentioned above. Another notable aspect of the game connected to pacing is the way in which the passages are organized. The choices that need to be made or the buttons that we need to click are either dialogues that progress the story or are actions that need to be taken next. While readers cannot exactly say what comes next within the story, the choices allow for readers to take a break and have a slight idea on what comes next or what other characters will do.There is also a sense of reflection that happens as players click through the story because of the way in which the choices are laid out. The format of the dialogue that was mentioned allows for the game to emulate the back and forth motion of a real conversation as the only clicking that occurs surrounds that actions and words of the character we are playing. There were also factors that are related to the story that are also worth mentioning as they greatly contribute to the way the plot is perceived. “Felinophobia” starts off mildly slow with an excerpt from another piece of text by Rober Albert. This sets the readers up for the next page, which is a thorough description of cats and their relationships with humans. The following portions, before the readers really dive into the meat of the story, are explanations that set up the world in the story and who we are. This sequence in addition to the clicking mechanism really allows for readers to reflect on what is occurring before we are really dragged into the story, effectively allowing for readers to feel like something is building up without getting carried away. This is a contrast to the ending that is more fast paced. The paragraphs seem longer while packing in more of the story and truly matches the pace of the events within the plot. These are all tools that are used within “Felinophobia” to create an atmosphere of suspense and help readers perceive the story at the same rate as the way the events occur within the story.