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Viability: the game is pretty viable, although I think it needs a bit more feedback for the player. It is not hard to play or anything, but it is not always very clear what can be picked, why is something to be placed somewhere, etc. Two small suggestions: what if when your press the letter “M” for map, you show an UI overlay drawing of what the kids want, drawn the in the way a kid draws? It could be a fun extra layer of difficulty to interpret the drawings, and would give certain guidance to the player. Another suggestion is to play a little sound if the player puts the right object in the right place. The UI is good, but I think extra feedback could help. Overall, however, this is way more developed than what we covered with tutorials.

Presentation: Great presentation throughout! From UI to art and music assets, everything feels cohesive, charming and useful for the player. I can see this working well in an educational environment, or even as one of those “Relaxing games”. Impressive!

Theme: The bit of story helps guide game-play, and the overall aesthetic feel whimsical and charming. The fact that there is no “lose state” feels thematically consistent with the overall mood. 

Engagement: All this game needs is more! More rooms to explore, more interactions with the family, and further exploration of the mechanics. Overall, super-solid!