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BUG DISCOVERED: The included EXODUS.BIN file is actually slightly different due to me playing with the 'upgrade patch' that includes improved graphics and sound. This is not quite the same EXODUS.BIN file that the GOG version uses.

I will have an updated ZIP file in the next 24 hours that will include both the 'vanilla' EXODUS.BIN and the 'upgrade patch' EXODUS.BIN

Presently you can play the Ultimore scenario by not copying over the EXODUS.BIN file (Unless you are already using the upgrade patch yourself). You will lose some flavour text.

Also, it's worth mentioning that the 'cloud saves' that GOG uses may cause it to replace the SOSARIA.ULT map. It's advised that you turn off cloud saves for this game while running the Ultimore scenario.

Apologies for any inconveniences, if anyone else discovers any bugs or issues, please let me know.


Daemon Master