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This game does a great job conveying a purpose of exploration throughout the gameplay. As a background for playing the game, there is even an animation to show some personality for some of the characters before jumping into the game. This animation adds a lot to the game before going in and playing since we’re able to connect with the characters much more during gameplay. It acts as somewhat of a cutscene before heading into the gameplay. I love cutscenes in games I play today, so this was a pleasant surprise before heading into the world to explore. Once places into the game, I felt like I could explore anywhere in the workshop. Being able to immediately go between three different screens gave me a sense of exploration and freedom that I didn’t think I could have in such a simple game tool. On top of the exploration of the room, there were many items and locations I was able to interact with and get a feel for the tone of the workshop. A lot of the text displayed when interacting with different objects was extremely unique and helped me dive deeper into the world, I was placed in. Playing as a robot that the workshop master created fit the experience of the game well, since I felt a sense of belonging and importance throughout my time in the game. Once you start interacting with the world is when it really starts to open. There is a specific order that you’re supposed to interact with the items in the world, but it doesn’t truly feel like it at all. Whenever you interact with an object, it hints to you that you must do before being able to properly deal with the issue of that item not being able to be used. This means you are free to explore and use the knowledge gained while exploring to think about how to beat the game as you go. As you explore and complete different item quests, more parts of the world open to interact with and explore the different dialogue. When different items become interactable, the workshop owner also has different dialogue options and even begins to create new robots for the player to interact with and overcome new obstacles. Using new NPCs that are like the player character to overcome new obstacles helps the world feel more open to explore. It’s like unlocking new abilities in games that allow the player to traverse to new areas of the world. The flow of interacting with new items and using those items to discover new areas of the map was addicting and kept me playing until the very end of the game. I was invested in the characters and the story of the robots and workshop owner throughout the entire game time. Though bitsy seems like a simple tool on the surface, this game dives deep into its systems and artistic design. Exploration plays a huge role in this game, which kept me invested and excited to explore and interact with various parts of the world during gameplay.