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Reviewing some of my favorite movies of all time I guess. aLSO spoilers!

Let's start with single-handedly the BEST movie of all time and if you disagree then you are fucking lying and I do not believe you because this movie is everything the live-action movies wanted to be and more also way better than any movie I have ever watched even from the Disney renaissance era!

Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse. I could rant for hours about why this movie is just an absolute masterpiece but there are other movies I need to review so I'll be as quick as possible. The comedy in this was perfect mwa chefs kiss every joke hit and it hit hard. They did an amazing job making miles relatable from having him not know the lyrics to a song and mumbling the parts he doesn't know (which by the way the song wasn't out when they were making the movie so idk if this really counts since it wasn't an original feature but I still like it) to his very clear anxiety and personal troubles and self-conflict. He blames himself for spider-man's death and it's not said once in the entire movie. You can just tell. Plus the framing is so well done like the forest scene when our spider-man and Miles are running away from Liv and Miles being less experienced is on 1fps while Peter is on 2fps to make miles look more inexperienced. Some parts are animated on 1fps to make it have a more comic book style and the times where the background changes to something like a comic panel are just amazing. You could pause the movie at any moment and where you paused it would be way too detailed for it's own good. THIS was a SONYYY animation. Sony is notorious for bad movies but man this was the best movie ever and screw you if you think otherwise.

Next up Mitchells VS The Machines. Another Sony movie but this one isn't as good. But still a great movie nonetheless. Sure some of the jokes were... well they were definitely jokes but most of them were really good. And the entire movie just looks like Katie edited it herself. It's got so much flare and personality and sure Katie's brother has an... interesting voice but it's still pretty cool. I also like how the pug is just so confusing to robots because they can't tell what it is. Also Eric and Deborahbot are my favorite characters ever. They're like children and I love them so much their comedy is too good. Overall it was a pretty great movie and very fun to watch. I wish my life was as interesting as Katie's though.

Shutter Island. I know I know I talk about it a lot but it is just such a great movie. The attention to detail the subtle hinting throughout the movie about what's really happening. The way the movie silently tells you the ending was a lie. The gut-wrenching line "Which would be worse? To live as a monster. Or to die as a good man." just tells you everything. The movie keeps you in the dark while simultaneously screaming the answer right in your face. It's just a wonder of a movie and I adore it way too much. His headaches only happen after he's taken the medicine. Subtle hints in his dreams about his wife, he says she died in a fire but in his dreams she's soaking wet as if she just went for a swim in her clothes and is also bleeding which if she died in a fire then how? Teddy was Andrew Laeddis all along. Edward Daniels, his fake name, Teddy being a nickname, is an anagram of Andrew Laeddis. The movie is just begging you to figure it out the truth everything but also closing the shutters in your face because who would think to compare the name of the supposed villain to our main hero. It's just amazing! The plaster on Teddy's forehead is also hinting at the fact that Andrew I mean Edward maybe has some sort of brain issue. As the movie goes on and Teddy slowly uncovers everything it slowly gets smaller and disappears before completely vanishing by the end of the end of the movie where the truth is told to him straight. He killed his wife. The person he's been looking for, Rachel Solando, does not exist. It's an anagram of his wife's name. I could go one forever about the hints and messages and truth behind everything and how it connects to the Truth about Andrew's life but we have more movies to cover.

Thor Ragnarok. It needs no words. If I need to explain to you why this movie is so good then what kind of crack are you on?

The Kung Fu Panda Trilogy, YES that includes the third movie and YES it is the weakest. The spin-offs are... yeah we don't talk about the kung fu panda spin-offs.

Kung Fu Panda: great movie great message! Compelling villain. Already established as a threatening character from his first second on screen. He's basically a stuck up brat who's throwing a fit for not getting what he wants on the surface but deeper he's just angry at himself and at his master. You can see that when Shifu apologizes Tai Lung questions it for a single moment, he knows what he's doing is wrong but he's too blinded by anger and self-status. Po a panda who's the son of a... duck... goose? Whatever, a bird. He's obviously adopted but we don't question it once because it just seems natural. It's a true father, son relationship. Po wants to be a Kung Fu fighter but he doesn't tell his dad because he doesn't want to break his heart. Po gets picked as the Dragon Warrior and "There are no accidents" joke because Master Oogway is a wise mentor and also comedy gold. By the way did you know the names in this movie are just big fat jokes? Master Oogway means Master Turtle, and Master Shifu means Master Master. I just think that's funny. Now I could keep going but this is getting long and still a lot more movies to cover so SPEED ROUND!

Kung Fu Panda 2: Wonderful movie, great character development and CHI also setup for third movie NEXT!

Kung Fu Panda 3: Could've been better, villain wasn't very threatening but it was still nice NEXT!

LUCA... g a e NEXT!

Megamind. This movie was ahead of it's time and not a "rip off" of despicable me you blind idiot monkey people! NEXT!

Klaus. *cries in 19873299026368256383746 million different languages*

That's all for now I'm most likely making a part 2 which will go into extreme detail about each of these movies. Like extreme detail. Each one will have it's own post actually yk what I should totally make a comment board for movie reviews... I'M A GENIUS!