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(1 edit)

yeah i didn't update to the newest version since my first playthrough worked perfectly and i live in the middle of nowhere with crap internet and would rather await new content before i spend an hour or more to download what should take no more than 10 minutes 

it was just a thought on the original posters comment 

but for the rank quest it completely baffled me as well and i just assumed the fact i already knew what was to come so i maxed out relations with secondary girls  before i even got to the point of maria telling me to do the ranked quest (literally did it before anna moved in and had around 10 points in one attempt i found it amusing to keep trying things over and over each time different quests would fail to work) had something to do with it since other ones that didn't work seemed to be a result of me getting to them before i should of been able to (example kitchen scene with yuna and mara shows up even though she wasn't living with me yet) in hard mode with maxed passive boosts i could almost level a girl in a single attempt to speak to them