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Aright y'all-y'all I got tea. 

So today I got the COVID booster shot-it's available to people 16 and over in the US-and let's be clear I'm very glad I did it, it's really important to keep everyone safe-

but guys. 

My arm hurts. So fucking bad from this shot. Like it's 1 in the morning here and I can't sleep because of how bad it hurts-I'm downstairs icing it right now.

damn, don't worry bro, Pain is temporary, oh wait, the immunity isn't eternal... frick 

well, thanks for doing your part friend! 

I taken a shot that gives me 50/50 chance of passing out πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒ



no cause

i have a HUGE phobia of blood.


and, when I got my blood taken, I passed out when it happened. Cause I was staring while when they were doing it...AND MY MOTHER CLEARLY TOLD ME NOT TO LOOK-

nat whyyy


i don't like blood :(((


could u pwease tell crowie to get online?

I need to sleep

I have a long day ahead of me

(1 edit)

My mother won't let me take the COVID shot 'cause-and she don't want me-

I've never been good with shots, nor-she just-

doesn't want me to take it? Idk why tbh

But my father is like

"Nataly, it's good for you if you take it. I took it, and I'm fine, Martha has took it, she's fine, Danielle has took it, shes healthy. But you and you're stupid mom doesn't want you to take it. She want's you to die, doesn't she?"

and like-me and him have had this convo over, and over, and overrrr againnnn-its annoying.


You wanna hear real tea?

*Pours hot kettle on Todorokis eye*

thats sum hot tea





no one likes todoroki

That means its workingggggg