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Sure ig

do you actually or are you just saying that. 

I do wanna know-

Oki cool! Allow me to gather my long-ass paragraph I'm so sorry-



A kingdom in darkness. A kingdom in ruin. It's ruler long-since overthrown, just barely able to escape with his life despite being a powerful magic user, a fire-elemental who crowns himself in flame. Forced to go into hiding, the former king and his exiled son fight alongside the underground army who would fight until their dying breath to reclaim the throne in the name of King Endeavour, the mighty resistance. Lead by the powerful warrior All Might, the team fights against the current monarchy who terrorizes its citizens with little regard for their wellbeing. A powerful figurehead stands at the forefront, the Scarred Prince, rumored to be Endeavour's own son turned against him. Meanwhile, the Unseen King hides in the shadows, commanding his lackeys from a distance. 

In the midst of all this chaos, an inexperienced rookie, a boy really, is thrust into his first mission after so many years training under the resistance's wing. His goal is to infiltrate the castle during its masquerade ball, an extravagant display of power. In a brilliant disguise, he'll observe the partygoers and gather intel, staying far away from the villains and blending in with the crowd. But he's caught Prince Dabi's eye...he'll never escape now...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I mean...


I'm not gonna lie as soon as you mentioned "masquerade" I was immediately convinced LOL.

(1 edit) (+1)


gurl I just love a good espionage-

Also Dabi I love Dabi-I MEAN-