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60 hours a week is quite a lot of dedication towards this amazing game that has always lifted my spirits and distracted me from my stressful life. I hope your bunny gets better that sounds horrible ;(.. I had a white fluffy bunny when I was a little kid with bright red eyes and she was the cutest bunny I've ever seen. she always ran around in the backyard and hid under my moms old car and one day we never saw her again. we assumed she got attacked by an owl or a coyote of some sort or maybe dug under the gate and took off. but always remember there's never any rush for updates. if people become mad and impatient, let them be that way. true fans have sympathy and I'm sure I speak for most of us when I say it's always best to take as much time as you need for your personal life as well as with lucky paradox so you can continue with many great updates without it feeling like a chore :3