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Prompt 3: The core verb of the game is the movement of the squares side to side and downward. Once the square reaches the bottom of the frame, it stops and the player loses control. If there is already a square below it, two things can happen. The first is that the falling square will push the existing square to the side and stay at the bottom. The second is that it will disappear because it is the same color as the square below it. This is how the player gains points in the game. Because the blocks stay on the screen forever until they are pushed all the way to the side, the player does not have to remember anything important. An interesting and possibly unintended part of the core verb is that the player can actually use the up arrow to just suspend the square indefinitely and move it side to side without it falling. This allows them to have whatever amount of time they want to be able to move the square precisely. Adding Prompt 4 to this, I think interplay could be added here. Maybe after a certain duration of time, the game forces the square to automatically start falling down. This would add more pressure and difficulty to the game and present a moment of interplay between the game and the player. The pushing of the blocks to the side is essentially the only moment of interplay in the game where it forces the player to possibly lose the chance to match a certain color or have to move the color of their next block to a new location.