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help! I can't get out of here

Here is the step: (I see you turned on the inner light so I'll skip this)

Turn on Switch 2 at the triple switches above the safe to know the code.

Go to the inner, press on the right side of your screen (next to the AC) you'll see 2 empty space, just leave it and click on the left side. Now you're in the room with refrigerator, pick the silver spoon on the table and peanut butter in the ref.

Go back to the last section, click on the bucket to make the protag move it closer to the table. Click the bag icon on top left, choose the s.spoon, click the bag icon again (This is how you use the item) and click on the table. Now the protag is gonna trap the mouse, click on the red box and you'll have a screwdriver and a hammer

Use the screwdriver to unlock the AC, you will obtain the refrigerant. Go to the further, use the ref to freeze the chain of the crate then use the hammer to break it. You'll have the flashlight to go in the dark room (Use the key to unlock crate). 

Now the first section when you go in has one crate and a lamp, just skip the lamp, use hammer on crate. Go more further, choose the dark corner on the left side, click on the bottle then go back, use the hammer on barrel to get matches. Use Kerosene (the bottle) and matches to lighten the lamp.

Back to the hallway, use matches on the scroll on the ground, complicated shi* code for the padlock in the farther right corner.

In case you don't know the password I'll spoil it: LONGINUS. Just compare to the scroll to get the passcode.