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Prompt 1: Describe the central uncertainty in the game.

Fitness Challenge is a game revolving around randomness, uncertainty, and player reaction speed. The central uncertainty in this game is the future obstacles that are going to come onto the screen to block the player from continuing to run. The game warms the player up by starting the game running at a reasonable, slower pace; however, once the player reaches a score of about 120the pace of the runner rapidly increases. Making the uncertainty of obstacles approaching much more difficult for the player to prepare for, but not fast enough that the player could not react properly to the upcoming obstacles. Which makes it so that the players only struggle with their own reaction speed in their pursuit for the highest score. There is no pattern for which the obstacles will approach, making it impossible to master this game perfectly, by just memorizing the path due to its randomness. Instead, to master this game, players would have to better their reaction speed to this game's elements. The tension once the pace of the runner speeds up, is similar to that of actually jogging or working out, it makes the player feel more adrenaline to be more alert of the upcoming obstacles. In addition to the running picking up their pace in the game, at the same time players get introduced to slightly more complex obstacles making for a more interesting and engaging game environment. Such as, instead of one hole in the ground, two will appear next to each other. Same will the tunnel, two tunnels can appear next to each other making the player need to roll for longer.