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超级棒的游戏!虽然剧情非常简短但是美术风格和对白深深地打动了我的心,非常感谢您能带来这么好的艺术品,我真的很喜欢这样带有一些怪异元素与怀旧元素的美术风格。很抱歉我的英文不太好,这是使用翻译器写下的评论。额外还想向您请教这款游戏是使用了什么软件进行开发的呢?Great game! Although the plot is very brief but the art style and the contrast deeply touched my heart, thank you very much for bringing such a good art, I really like this with some weird elements and nostalgic elements of the art style. I'm sorry my English is not very good, this is a comment written using the translator. What software was used to develop this game?