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The core verb of the game Rain Terror is the word dodge. This is central to the player's goal and the player's available actions. Another core verb that could be applied to the raindrops is the word fall. This is the central way the game tries to stop the player. One more verb available would be the word score, as in score points. This happens passively and the player doesn't directly take this action but more indirectly via the many subactions contained in the word dodge in this game. The interesting interplay and is the player has all the control in terms of choices with actions. The rain will always fall and the player must decide how they want to dodge if they want to at all. This dynamic between the player and the rain combined with the passive score generator that only gets reset if the player gets hit creates interesting moments where the player doesn't even need to take and action to succeed. The initiation of the verb fall prompts the player to make a choice if they want to continue to succeed. The game constantly prompts and the player constantly responds. The game only seems to currently work at one level of interplay but contains a variety of different available strategies. There is also nothing the player needs to keep track of in terms of interplay as all the actions that are taken by the game appear to be at least mostly random events. The only interplay is the player deciding how to take the dodge action, if at all.